Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week of Nov. 8-12

This week we are going to be learning about changes in matter which includes section 3 of the book.  Remember that students do not have a book assigned to them during this unit, but can check one out before leaving for school.  Books should be returned the next day. 

I have put a lot of grades in the grade book, so check out your grades and make sure they are OK.  It is up to you to prove me wrong when I give papers back.  Lab papers will be returned this week (the ones done on Friday, Nov. 5).  You have have the analyze and conclude complete, from the end of the lab paper.  We are doing another foldable, which replaces a worksheet or outline of the section.  These will be graded on Friday. 

All make up labs should be complete by Friday.  You can come in before or after school to finish your lab.

Check out the active art from Wednesday in class.  The web code is cgp-1013. The link is at the top of the blog.

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