Monday, September 27, 2010

Lab Report Assigned September 24 and due October 4

Your child was assigned a project to do at home.  They have 10 days to complete this project.  On Tuesday, I will attach the paper to this site in order to have a copy at home in case they did not take it with them or lost it.They were given this copy on September 24 and it is due October 4. The paper has the lab report to fill out and is attached to the instruction paper and also the scoring guide.  It is worth a lot of points. Encourage them to take time to get it correct, because this will be a large part of their grade
* They are to fill out the front page with the experiment they want to do.  We have done this many times in class.
*They will need help with the actual experiment.  Most experiments take two people to do and observe.
*During and after the experiment, they will record their data in the data table provided on the back of paper.
* Graphing their data is next.  We have also done this in class and we will work together on Thursday and Friday in class if they are unable to figure this out on their own.
* The conclusion is the last part and they will answer the 4 statements on the paper.  If they complete this as suggested in the Scientific Method foldable that we did in class and follow sections on the lab paper, they will do well on this assignment. 
Thanks for helping them out.  I hope you enjoy doing this with them as well as they enjoy doing it with you.  You are your child's first and best teacher and they learn a lot from you.  Thanks for taking part of their education.  It is a great investment of your time.  

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