Monday, February 28, 2011

Week of Feb. 28 - March 4

We passed out the Cell Booklets (graded) on Monday.  Please make sure this does not get lost or thrown away because with the computers not working, I have not put them on the computer yet.

Students will be writing a short story using the key terms from sections 1-3 on Thursday and Friday.  If  they have been absent, make sure all work is up to date.  These stories will be read to tables or class on Monday. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Week of Feb. 22-25

Science is going fast this year and we are beginning a new unit about the ecosystem.  Students have been assigned their own book for this section and we will be using it for about 3 weeks.  This book is green like the last book but titled, "Environmental Science."  Parents, if you see copied pages or a book at home about cells, please have your student bring it back to school. 

We will be creating foldables and using the foldables for a project as we get farther into the unit.  Check out the homework to the right of this note and make sure you are keeping up to date.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Week of Feb. 14-17

This week we will be finishing up the cell booklet that we have been working on in class.  This book is worth 80 points, so make sure you are up to date.  Each day we have been reminded of how far we should be to stay on track.  Monday we will look through microscopes at some slides of plant and animal cells and journal of our findings. Tuesday we will start the Photosynthesis section of the booklet, and finish it up on Thursday. Check out Cells Alive from last weeks post or you can find it from the science sites page.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Week of February 7-11

Wow, have we had a break this year.  I know that each of you are really ready to get going and learn about cells.  This month we will be continuing the study on cells we started at the end of January.  The chapters in the book we are covering will be Chapter 1, Sections 1&2; Ch. 2, Section 1.  We did not assign books for this section because we can use sites from the internet for items that are not finished in class.  Cells Alive  & Active Art (  Web Code: cep-3012. If you need to check out a book from the classroom you may do so at the end of class or the end of the day.  The books need to be returned the next day.

Your cell booklet will be completed in the next 2 weeks and we will be moving one, but in the mean time we have a lot of fun with this section.  For instance, my sister will be returning again on Wednesday to help us view cells from a microscope and also show us a old microscope from back "in the day."